Results for 'Prof Me Anderson Santamarina'

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  1.  28
    O subdiaconato católico no contexto atual.Prof Me Anderson Santamarina - 2011 - Revista de Teologia 5 (7):46-52.
    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal mostrar quem foram os subdiáconos da Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana, a época em que eles existiram e assumiram algumas funções bem definidas, cuja característica primeira era a de não sobrepor às funções do diácono, o qual, de fato, é um ministro ordenado e recebe o primeiro sacramento da ordem, no grau do diaconato. Este artigo surgiu após diversas indagações de fiéis interessados na celebração da missa, no usus antiquior (forma extraordinária) do Rito Latino (...)
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    O subdiaconato católico no contexto atual.Me Anderson Santamarina - 2011 - Revista de Teologia 5 (7):p - 46.
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    Bíblia E liturgia.Prof Me Gabriel Frade - 2011 - Revista de Teologia 5 (7):62-70.
    Neste artigo interessa-nos abordar alguns aspectos sobre a relação entre a Sagrada Escritura e a Liturgia, de modo particular aqueles elementos concernentes à reorganização e confecção levadas a cabo pela reforma litúrgica do concílio Vaticano II do livro litúrgico que contém as perícopes bíblicas lidas na liturgia da Palavra durante as celebrações eucarísticas, isto é, o Lecionário da Missa. Para esta abordagem, nos servirá, em grande medida, o relato sobre os trabalhos da Reforma Litúrgica - relato este ainda inédito no (...)
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    Hegel: A pertinência da arte E sua função na história do homem.Prof Me Wagner Alves Guedes - 2012 - Revista de Teologia 6 (10):75-80.
    A pesquisa procura não só conceituar e expor a estética de Hegel, mas também elucidar seu pensamento referente à questão. Em suas palavras, estética seria o belo artístico, criado pelo homem. Nesse sentido, a ascendência da arte está na precisão que o homem tem de objetivar seu espírito, morfosiando o mundo e também se transformando. Assim, nas páginas que se seguem há uma exposição do conceito vulgar de estética em contraponto a visão hegeliana, para tanto, o filósofo cita a ascensão (...)
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    Cristianismo extra-paulino.Prof Me Mauro Negro - 2011 - Revista de Teologia 5 (7):80-90.
    O grupo de escritos chamados Cartas Católicas, junto à chamada Carta aos Hebreus apresenta-se como um testemunho extra-paulino do Cristianismo primitivo. De fato, é o conjunto dos textos narrativos (Evangelhos e Atos) e do Corpus Paulinum (conjunto dos escritos atribuídos a Paulo) que são mais marcantes na compreensão do Evento Jesus Cristo e sua vivência e compreensão no primeiro século. Com frequência, se esquece que o Cristianismo é um fenômeno histórico e social plural. Uma pequena introdução a este tempo histórico (...)
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  6. What Did You Call Me? Slurs as Prohibited Words.Luvell Anderson & Ernie Lepore - 2013 - Analytic Philosophy 54 (3):350-363.
  7. (1 other version)The Fundamental Disagreement between Luck Egalitarians and Relational Egalitarians.Elizabeth Anderson - 2010 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40 (S1):1-23.
    Much contemporary egalitarian theorizing is broadly divided between luck egalitarians, such as G. A. Cohen, Richard Arneson, and John Roemer, and relational egalitarians, such as John Rawls, Samuel Scheffler, Josh Cohen, and me. The two camps disagree about how to conceive of equality: as an equal distribution of non-relational goods among individuals, or as a kind of social relation between persons - an equality of authority, status, or standing.This disagreement generates a second, about when unequal distributions of non-relational goods are (...)
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    “I'm Not Your Typical ‘Homework Stresses Me Out’ Kind of Girl”: Psychological Anthropology in Research on College Student Usage of Psychiatric Medications and Mental Health Services.Eileen P. Anderson-Fye & Jerry Floersch - 2011 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 39 (4):501-521.
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  9. Empire made me.Clare Anderson - 2016 - In Antoinette M. Burton & Dane Keith Kennedy, How Empire Shaped Us. London: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
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    19 The Other That Accompanies Me.Nicole Anderson - 2021 - In Luke Collison, Cillian Ó Fathaigh & Georgios Tsagdis, Derrida's Politics of Friendship: Amity and Enmity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 247-258.
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    “Doctor, Would You Prescribe a Pill to Help Me …?” A National Survey of Physicians on Using Medicine for Human Enhancement.Matthew K. Wynia, Emily E. Anderson, Kavita Shah & Timothy D. Hotze - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (1):3 - 13.
    Using medical advances to enhance human athletic, aesthetic, and cognitive performance, rather than to treat disease, has been controversial. Little is known about physicians? experiences, views, and attitudes in this regard. We surveyed a national sample of physicians to determine how often they prescribe enhancements, their views on using medicine for enhancement, and whether they would be willing to prescribe a series of potential interventions that might be considered enhancements. We find that many physicians occasionally prescribe enhancements, but doctors hold (...)
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  12. Sartre’s Affective Turn.Ellie Anderson - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (3):709-726.
    Jean-Paul Sartre’s theory of “the look” has generally been understood as an argument for the impossibility of mutual recognition between consciousnesses. Being-looked-at reveals me as an object for the other, but I can never grasp this object that I am. I argue here that the chapter “The Look” in Being and Nothingness has been widely misunderstood, causing many to dismiss Sartre’s view unfairly. Like Hegel’s account of recognition, Sartre’s “look” is meant as a theory of successful mutual recognition that proves (...)
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  13.  30
    On Seasons of an Indigenous Feminism, Kinship, and the Program of Home Management.Kim Anderson - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (1):204-213.
    It's early evening, a Friday night in October, and I have hauled myself off the couch to make dinner for my son and me. It's just us; the more active cooks in our family are away and the house is quiet. I've spent all afternoon immersed in scholarly literature about the history of home economics, and I chuckle at the irony as I pour premade marinara sauce over the noodles. I call up my son from the basement, where he's been (...)
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  14. Knowledge and conviction.David James Anderson - 2012 - Synthese 187 (2):377-392.
    Much philosophical effort has been exerted over problems having to do with the correct analysis and application of the concept of epistemic justification. While I do not wish to dispute the central place of this problem in contemporary epistemology, it seems to me that there is a general neglect of the belief condition for knowledge. In this paper I offer an analysis of 'degrees of belief' in terms of a quality I label 'conviction', go on to argue that one requires (...)
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    The Number of Things in the World and the Autonomy of Logic.Anderson Nakano - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (2):125-134.
    Em seu livro recente, Engelmann (2021) avançou uma leitura do Tractatus que, a seu ver, removeria as dificuldades presentes em outras leituras (em particular, nas leituras “metafísica” e “resoluta”). Neste artigo, ocupar-me-ei da crítica de Engelmann às leituras metafísicas do Tractatus. Tal crítica baseia-se na ideia de que essas leituras estão comprometidas com algumas necessidades de re, o que violaria a autonomia da lógica e a ideia Tractariana segundo a qual só há necessidade lógica. Analisarei o caso particular de uma (...)
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    A Critique of Talisse and Aikin’s “Why Pragmatists Cannot Be Pluralists”.Joshua Anderson - 2015 - The Pluralist 10 (1):107-113.
    in 2004, Robert Talisse and Scott Aikin created a bit of a firestorm when they attacked a sacred cow of contemporary pragmatism. At a meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Talisse and Aikin presented a paper in which they argued that pragmatists cannot be pluralists. A number of papers then appeared in the Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, responding to Talisse and Aikin. Some of the responses were quite hostile, such as the paper “You (...)
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  17.  50
    In Defense of Section V: A Reply to Professor Yolton.Robert F. Anderson - 1980 - Hume Studies 6 (1):26-31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:26. IN DEFENSE OF SECTION V: A REPLY TO PROFESSOR YOLTON Professor Yolton's article is especially valuable for its opening paragraphs on the writing done in the eighteenth century on the physiological basis of cognition. These provide a much-needed background to Hume's own remarks on the nature of perceptions.. It is both correct and helpful, I think, to understand any philosopher as a man of his own century. Professor (...)
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    Notes on Lucan I. and VIII.W. B. Anderson - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (02):100-.
    This well-known passage refers to the growth of latifundia, a symptom of Rome's decadence. In v. 170 ignotis is generally taken to mean ‘unknown to the owners,’ and thus, it seems to me, the point of the passage is missed. There is a double antithesis; longa is contrasted with breuίa, parua, and ίgnotίs with notίs, ίnlustrίbus, or the like. The latter antithesis is implied in Camίllί, Curίorum; the other is left to be understood. In the good old days farms were (...)
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  19.  46
    Notes on Lucan IX.W. B. Anderson - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (03):151-.
    This well-known passage refers to the growth of latifundia, a symptom of Rome's decadence. In v. 170 ignotis is generally taken to mean ‘unknown to the owners,’ and thus, it seems to me, the point of the passage is missed. There is a double antithesis; longa is contrasted with breuίa, parua, and ίgnotίs with notίs, ίnlustrίbus, or the like. The latter antithesis is implied in Camίllί, Curίorum; the other is left to be understood. In the good old days farms were (...)
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  20.  92
    Philosophy.Elizabeth Anderson - unknown
    I am very grateful for the thoughtful and illuminating comments of Linda Alcoff, Sharyn Clough, Marianne Janack, and Charles Mills on my Hypatia paper. Together, they raise several related questions about the status of value judgments and the roles they might legitimately play in scientific inquiry. Two common concerns relate to the proper scope of the legitimate use of value judgments in science, and whether there are significant differences between value judgments and factual judgments with respect to their revisability. Let (...)
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  21.  31
    Paintbrushes and Crowbars: Richard Rorty and the New Public-Private Divide.John P. Anderson - 2017 - Contemporary Pragmatism 14 (3):366-386.
    In an often-quoted passage, Richard Rorty wrote that “J.S. Mill’s suggestion that governments devote themselves to optimizing the balance between leaving people’s lives alone and preventing suffering seems to me pretty much the last word.” In this article, I show why, for Rorty, maintaining a strong public-private divide that cordons off final vocabularies – the religious, racial, ethnic, sexual, gender, philosophical, and other terms so important for citizens’ private pursuits of self-creation and self-perfection – from public political discourse is a (...)
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  22. The skeptical roots of critique.Abraham Anderson - 2024 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    Kant says that it was "the objection of David Hume that first...interrupted my dogmatic slumber"; he also says that "it was the fourfold Antinomy...that first woke me from dogmatic slumber." These statements raise a serious problem: how can the Critique of Pure Reason be at once a response to Hume's skepticism and the result of the Antinomy, which attacks dogmatic metaphysics? Hume's Attack on Theology and the Origin of Kant's Antinomy resolves this problem by showing that the Antinomy is the (...)
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    O tilintar dos cálices de Cristo, Chico/Gil e Criolo: a questão da ética num brinde dialógico.Anderson Salvaterra Magalhães & Daniel Eduardo Candido - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (4):46-75.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, the aim is to demonstrate the ethical-semantic impact of great time in the reaccentuation of two reformulations of the expression “let this cup pass from me.” Theoretically, we describe great time as semantic sectors of existence which frame the possibilities of meaning actualized in speech genres and concrete utterances. Methodologically, the song Cálice by Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil and the RAP Cálice by Criolo are dialogically disposed in relation to their context of production, to one (...)
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  24.  22
    Understanding biobanking: An assessment of the public engagement speaking book intervention Biobanking and Me.A. Bedeker, D. Anderson, T. Lose, Y. Mgwatyu, R. Luus, R. Blignaut & A. Christoffels - 2019 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 12 (2):87.
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    Reasons for Companion Animal Guardianship (Pet Ownership) from Two Populations.Sara Staats, Heidi Wallace & Tara Anderson - 2008 - Society and Animals 16 (3):279-291.
    The purpose of this study is to extend and replicate previously published results from a random probability sample of university faculty. The sample assessed reasons given for companion-animal guardianship and for belief in the beneficial health effects of owning pets. In this replication and extension design, these two non-random samples responded to the same questionnaire items as those addressed to university faculty. Results indicated that avoidance of loneliness was the most frequent reason for owning pets among both students and middle-aged (...)
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  26.  63
    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “'Doctor, Would You Prescribe a Pill to Help Me…?'A National Survey of Physicians on Using Medicine for Human Enhancement”.Timothy D. Hotze, Kavita Shah, Emily E. Anderson & Matthew K. Wynia - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (1):W1 - W3.
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    Dispersion of meaning: the fading out of the doctrinaire world?Matko Meštrović - 2008 - Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book present interdisciplinary research in the social sciences and humanities by connecting seemingly disparate sources through a sensitivity to endangered human values. It links reflections on the contemporary relationship between art and technology in a post-modern context, seeing art in terms of crossing boundaries and exploring virtuality. It deals with the consequences of economics colonising other disciplines, in terms of the processes by which the social becomes the economic. Using Jantsch''s evolutionary paradigm, the concept of self-transcendence is seen as (...)
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  28.  53
    Bones, Stones, and Buddhist Monks: Collected Papers on the Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Texts of Monastic Buddhism in India (review). [REVIEW]Daniel Anderson Arnold - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (4):620-623.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Bones, Stones, and Buddhist Monks: Collected Papers on the Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Texts of Monastic Buddhism in IndiaDan ArnoldBones, Stones, and Buddhist Monks: Collected Papers on the Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Texts of Monastic Buddhism in India. By Gregory Schopen. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1997. Pp. xvii + 298.For over twenty years now, Gregory Schopen has prolifically been producing articles on the archaeology, epigraphy, and texts that pertain (...)
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  29. Anderson, JR, 123 Arterberry, ME, 1 Aslin, RN, B33 Au, TK-f., B53.H. Barth, M. H. Bornstein, J. I. D. Campbell, B. Geurts, P. C. Gordon, R. Gunter, R. Hendrick, C. W. Hue, S. Laurence & E. Margolis - 2003 - Cognition 86:317.
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  30. Alibali, MW, 451 Anderson, JR, 1 Atran, S., 117 Aveyard, ME, 611.K. G. D. Bailey, A. S. Bangert, D. J. Barr, J. L. Barrett, P. J. Bennett, I. Biederman, N. Bonini, J. F. Bonnefon, R. Budiu & J. C. Buisson - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28:1033-1034.
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    ANDERSON's ETHICAL VULNERABILITY: animating feminist responses to sexual violence.Emily Cousens - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1-2):165-180.
    Pamela Sue Anderson argues for an ethical vulnerability which “activates an openness to becoming changed” that “can make possible a relational accountability to one another on ethical matters”. In this essay I pursue Anderson’s solicitation that there is a positive politics to be developed from acknowledging and affirming vulnerability. I propose that this politics is one which has a specific relevance for animating the terms of feminist responses to sexual violence, something which has proved difficult for feminist theorists (...)
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  32. Ṿikuḥim ʻal emunah ṿe-filosofyah: Prof. Aviʻezer Ravitsḳi meśoḥeaḥ ʻim Prof. Yeshaʻyahu Leboṿits.Yeshayahu Leibowitz - 2006 - [Tel Aviv]: Miśrad ha-biṭaḥon. Edited by Aviezer Ravitzky.
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    Prof. Dr. José sérgio Duarte da Fonseca: Rememorando os estudos sobre filosofia da mente E a constituição do self.Alexander Almeida Morais - 2020 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 11 (22):27-28.
    Este pequeno texto é uma singela homenagem que dedico para o meu exprofessor da graduação em Filosofia e meu orientador no mestrado em Ética e Epistemologia da UFPI. Trata-se de um texto rememorativo e de agradecimentos pela convivência e aprendizagem que tive com o professor Dr. José Sérgio D. da Fonseca. A grata oportunidade de conhecer o professor Dr. José Sérgio ocorreu-me por volta do ano 2009 em uma disciplina de seminário, na qual o professor José Sérgio ministrou um curso (...)
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    Anderson on Vulnerability.Alison Assiter - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1-2):222-230.
    Recently, feminists have begun to draw attention to the vulnerability of human beings. This theoretical perspective lies in contrast to an element of the philosophical tradition that values autonomy and freedom. I would like, in this paper, to engage with some of the work of the feminist philosopher Pamela Anderson on the notion of vulnerability. I think that Anderson’s recognition of vulnerability is important but I’d like to suggest a different way of thinking about this issue from Pamela’s. (...)
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    Grußwort an die Hörer des Vortrags von P. Prof. Fra Francesco Alfieri von der Päpstlichen Lateranuniversität des Vatikans, gehalten in Meßkirch am 4. Mai, 2018. [REVIEW]Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann - 2019 - Heidegger Studies 35:255-257.
  36.  6
    Dy gjenealogji të modernitetit: u miratua për botim në mbledhjen e Seksionit të Shkencave Shoqërore, mbajtur më 28 prill 2016, në bazë të recensioneve të anëtarit korrespondent Anton K. Berishajt dhe prof. dr. Astrit Salihut.Muhamedin Kullashi - 2016 - Prishtinë: Akademia e Shkencave dhe e Arteve e Kosovës. Edited by Jusuf Bajraktari.
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    On Me, Not in Me.Cindy Patton - 1998 - Theory, Culture and Society 15 (3-4):355-373.
    Throughout the 1980s, the American right wing attempted to control the field of social politics and social policy through a rhetoric of `family'. In response, the left, including much of the lesbian and gay movement, abandoned an early, theorized antipathy to family, attempting to recapture the political field with ideas like `alternative families' and `families we chose'. These moves do not sufficiently account for the hidden glue that binds bodies to politics, national or anti-national. The glue, or, as Benedict (...) calls it, `political love' is no longer an affect to be rejected but a `feeling' to be embraced. Examining the case of sexual abstinence in early right-wing AIDS discourse and in current websites, this article suggests that micro-politics of love are inextricable from macro-politics of nationalism. (shrink)
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    The Logika of the Judaizers: a fifteenth-century Ruthenian translation from Hebrew: critical edition of the Slavic texts presented alongside their Hebrew sources = ha-Logiḳah shel ha-mityahadim: targum Ruteni ben ha-meʼah ha-15 min ha-ʻIvrit: mahadurah biḳortit shel ha-ṭeḳsṭim ha-Slaviyim be-liṿui meḳorotehem ha-ʻIvriyim.Moshe Taube (ed.) - 2016 - Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
    In the latter part of the fifteenth century, a Jewish translator, working together with a Slavic amanuensis, translated into the East Slavic language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania three medieval Hebrew translations of Arabic philosophical texts: the Logical Terminology, a short work on logic attributed to Maimonides (but probably by a different medieval Jewish author); and two sections of the Muslim theologian Al-Ghazali's famous Intentions of the Philosophers. Highlighting the unexpected role played by Jewish translators as agents of cultural (...)
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  39. Latim instrumental para direito.Márcio Luiz Moitinha Ribeiro - 2010 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 1 (20):87-90.
    O presente trabalho pretende apresentar a relevância do estudo do latim instrumental para o Direito na UERJ e em qualquer instituição acadêmica que se preze. Apresentamos no corpus do trabalho não só a origem do vocábulo Direito, como também uma profunda preocupação com a exímia formação clássica e humanista do futuro causídico e com os docentes de latim que devem ministrar esta disciplina com metologia e amor. Também colocamos em foco uma figura que jamais deverá ser apagada de nossas memórias, (...)
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  40. Fairness, Respect and the Egalitarian Ethos Revisited.Jonathan Wolff - 2010 - The Journal of Ethics 14 (3-4):335-350.
    This paper reconsiders some themes and arguments from my earlier paper “Fairness, Respect and the Egalitarian Ethos.” That work is often considered to be part of a cluster of papers attacking “luck egalitarianism” on the grounds that insisting on luck egalitarianism's standards of fairness undermines relations of mutual respect among citizens. While this is an accurate reading, the earlier paper did not make its motivations clear, and the current paper attempts to explain the reasons that led me to write the (...)
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    Breve examen del Tribunal de las Aguas de Valencia y de su proceso.Víctor Fairén Guillén - 2003 - Arbor 175 (691):1295-1330.
    Se me pide, de parte de mi compañero y amigo de la Academia, Dr José M" Castán Vázquez, que elabore un pequeño trabajo para la revista «Arbor» —a cuyas líneas tuve vedado el acceso por muchos años; mientras duró aquella ordenación y aquella Nomenklatura al frente del CSIC— ; por su director actual. Prof. Dr. PEDRO GARCÍA BARRENO, al que trato casi constantemente-, Y sobre el Tribunal de las Aguas de Valencia, organismo jurídico jurisdiccional —pese a incluso enfurecidos adversarios— (...)
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    A Neglected Manuscript of the Moretvm.A. Souter - 1914 - Classical Quarterly 8 (02):103-.
    Neither Prof. Ellis in his Appendix Vergiliana nor Prof. Vollmer in his edition of the same , though the latter gives a long list of MSS, makes any mention of a Luxemburg MS containing the Moretum. The MS is numbered 27 , is of the twelfth century, and was formerly in the library of a monastery at Orval . The Luxemburg collection is not as well known as it ought to be. A catalogue of the MSS was published (...)
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    Reply to Charles Goodman.Adrian Kuzminski - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (3):1007-1009.
    I am grateful for Prof. Goodman's comments. Let me try to respond briefly.He asks me to explain how we can recognize "the pragmata as they are, while refraining from judgments about them." In my reading of Sextus Empiricus, what he calls "appearances" are what we perceive immediately and involuntarily, that is, the thoughts and sensations that are present to us as we actually experience them. Visually, these are shapes and colors and tones; audibly, they are sounds of varying intensity (...)
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    On the Rule and the Use of Precedents: Brief Comments on the Works of Fabio Pulido Ortiz and Silvia Zorzetto.Álvaro Núñez - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    It filled me with pleasure to be asked by Problema editor-in-chief Sandra Gómora Juárez to lead a discussion on the theories and doctrine on precedent in our context alongside Prof. Marina Gascón Abellán. Besides the undeniable and recognized prestige of the Problema journal, there was also the possibility of working with Prof. Marina Gascón again and with Sandra Gómora for the first time. It was also an opportunity to discuss issues regarding precedent with old friends like Flavia Carbonell, (...)
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    The Madrid MS of Manilivs.C. E. Stuart - 1909 - Classical Quarterly 3 (04):310-.
    Having read Prof. Housman's article in the Classical Quarterly of October 1907, it seemed to me worth while, when I was in Madrid last year, to examine the MS of Manilius, Matritensis 31, in those places where Prof. Housman notes that the testimony of Loewe and of Mr Ellis disagree, with the result that I have found Loewe's account of the reading, as given by Prof. Housman, to be correct in all places except the following.
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    Behind the Scenes of Black Labor: Elizabeth Keckley and the Scandal of Publicity.Xiomara Santamarina - 2002 - Feminist Studies 28 (3):515-537.
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    La ciudadanía como ámbito de integración social ante el fenómeno de las migraciones.Cristina Santamarina - 2010 - Arbor 186 (744):605-614.
    El impacto de la inmigración no puede comprenderse más que desde el conflicto del encuentro con los otros, con lo otro diferente y, por tanto, como experiencia compleja para toda cultura. No podemos tampoco esperar que esos conflictos se resuelvan en el incierto espacio de lo social ni transferir a las administraciones esta responsabilidad. La institución de la ciudadanía es la única con capacidad verdadera para acoger esta nueva realidad que golpea como un nuevo desafío a las sociedades de Europa. (...)
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    Los medios de comunicación y la paradójica representación de la identidad femenina.Cristina Santamarina - 2008 - Isegoría 38:179-185.
    La representación y la complejidad de este concepto se exponen para comprender que —como dice Gombrich— «no se representa lo que se ve, sino que se ve lo que se representa ». La identidad femenina transmitida por los medios de comunicación responde antes a la figura de la paradoja que a la de la recreación de un nuevo sujeto como procura el feminismo. Pero más complejo aún, identidades de mujeres y medios de comunicación presentan diferentes propuestas y perfiles en los (...)
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  49. Foundations of information integration theory.Norman Henry Anderson - 1981 - New York: Academic Press.
  50. Epistemic Justice as a Virtue of Social Institutions.Elizabeth Anderson - 2012 - Social Epistemology 26 (2):163-173.
    In Epistemic injustice, Miranda Fricker makes a tremendous contribution to theorizing the intersection of social epistemology with theories of justice. Theories of justice often take as their object of assessment either interpersonal transactions (specific exchanges between persons) or particular institutions. They may also take a more comprehensive perspective in assessing systems of institutions. This systemic perspective may enable control of the cumulative effects of millions of individual transactions that cannot be controlled at the individual or institutional levels. This is true (...)
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